We take care of the details to the fullest and we strive to exceed the expectations of our customers


Although the Law is the same for everyone, in Algoritmo Legal we know that culture and risk tolerance are not the same in all companies. The same solution does not work for all companies since each of them is different. For this reason, we offer legal, personalized and tailored legal solutions.

We do not accept issues or projects that have nothing to do with our specialty. In this case we recommend the client to visit another law firm and we offer our network of collaborating firms (best friends).

When faced with a legal problem, the first thing we do is to fully understand it, then we compare and systematize the previous solutions used in similar problems, then we design the solution for the specific case, we test it and finally we implement it.

We continuously measure the quality of our work. Through the information feedback circuit of Create – Measure – Learn we manage the accumulated legal knowledge of our boutique.

We have implemented government practices, internal process management and knowledge management that guarantee the excellence of our work. We take care of the details to the fullest and we strive to exceed the expectations of our clients. That explains why the evaluation of our work is always very good (you can see what they say about us in Google Business Profile).

Each responsible subject and project is assigned a responsible partner who will be the point of contact between the client and the boutique. The partner will coordinate the legal work done by the other lawyers and collaborators involved.

We work in person and remotely. The client can visit us at our offices whenever he wishes. We offer advice using telematic means (Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, telephone and email). And if the client prefers we go to his offices or where he feels more comfortable to assist him as many times as necessary.



  • If you are looking for a lawyer specializing in preventing and solving legal problems related to startups, venture capital, private equity, innovation, internet, artificial intelligence and blockchain, we can help you.
  • If you would like us to call you, include your country calling code. For example: +49 91122233.
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