Reduce insecurity in your entrepreneurship and bring legal certainty to your business activity. Innovation requires innovative lawyers. If you’re ahead of your time and want to change the world, we can help you.
Protect and provide legal viability to your business models and technology projects
What’s going on?
Technology is creating new products, new ways of manufacturing them and new professions. This generates novel legal implications related to the physical security of people, civil liability, protection of personal data and privacy, intellectual property and compliance with administrative controls.
Know-how (technical knowledge or intangible assets) is the exchange currency of the knowledge economy and provides a competitive advantage worthy of legal protection. At Algoritmo Legal it is clear to us that the economic profitability of an organization and its social impact are associated with its capacity for innovation. Innovation is our specialty, which explains why some clients call us the lawyers of innovation. Our objective is to help innovative companies to align their business strategies with the current regulatory framework and, in this way, eliminate the risk of being sued or fined, while at the same time being able to make the most of their knowledge and experience.
Technologies we know and professionals we can help
Some of the technologies that we know and some of the professionals we could help are:
- Artificial intelligence: computer engineers, algorithm programmers and data scientists; facial recognition technologists; robot engineers, human-machine relations managers, etc.
- Blockchain: designers of smart contracts; promoters of ICOs (initial coin offering) and STO (security token offering); operators of bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies; tokenization developers.
- Big data: specialists in the massive processing and analysis of data; personal data brokers, flow optimizers and data transmission; data waste managers; experts in data storage and the cloud, etc.
- Internet of things: infrastructure designers with embedded sensors in everyday and common objects that record, process, store and transfer personal data and interact with devices that use network capabilities; creators of smart cities, etc.
- 3D printing: design engineers and manufacturers of body parts; three-dimensionalists; developers of ink for 3D printers; 3D food printing chefs; restorers and archeologists in 3D, etc.
- Drones: engineers and designers of aircraft manned by remote control; specialists in drone standards; drone traffic optimizers; certification specialists for drone operators; etc.
- Augmented reality and virtual reality: designers of manufacturing standards; manufacturers of augmented and virtual reality devices, virtual memory notary, etc.
What legal problems on innovation you could encounter?
We help you legally protect your know-how, we advise you to avoid incurring any of the following situations and we defend you so that you can obtain a fair compensation, if applicable:
- Breaches of the relevant regulatory regulations.
- Payment of administrative fines.
- Violation of fundamental rights (protection of personal data, privacy, etc.).
- Infringement of the regulations on unfair competition.
- Money laundering.
- Violation of intellectual property rights.
- Being a victim of corporate espionage.
- Loss of your brand.
- Unauthorized disclosure of business secrets.
- Legally non-viable business models (based on discriminatory artificial intelligence algorithms, etc.).
What do we offer you?
We offer you personalized high-quality legal advice so that you can do your business. We prepare studies, reports and legal opinions on complex legal issues related to new technologies, professionals and the aforementioned sectors. We legally shield your intangible assets. We carry out technical analyses, gather digital evidence and offer legal assistance and defense in the courts of justice and arbitration proceedings.
Our legal services are aimed at individuals, companies and organizations in general that have planned to launch a business or scientific project of high innovative content, as well as companies that are already consolidated. We are interested and concerned that you maximize your investment and that you are successful in launching your business or project since for us your successes are ours as well.
We will keep you informed and updated on regulatory changes in the digital and technological sectors that may directly or indirectly affect your company, business or scientific project.